Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
EasyInternship is the module of the EasyAcademy suite designed and developed with the aim of computerizing and optimising the processes related to the management of internships in medical area.
The organisation and the effective running of internships in medical fields presuppose the involvement of a considerable number of actors: the student in the first place, the tutor, the tutor assistant, the site director and the teaching secretariat among others.
EasyInternship was born with the aim of centralising the processes and the activities which involve these actors and presents itself ad the perfect solution for the management of the internship booklet in medical field.
The system facilitates the verification and management of students’ attendance in the ward, overcoming the old concept of signatures on the paper register and greatly simplifying the counting of the mandatory hours for each intern.
Moreover, it allows the management of checklists relating to traineeship activities and the monitoring of extra-traineeship activities, with the aim of unifying and standardising procedures that are very often fragmented, especially when more than one location is involved.
EasyInternship simplifies the evaluation process of internship and related activities, guaranteeing data constantly updated and always available for all the actors evolved, from the reference tutor to the secretariat.
Furthermore, the student is ensured access to his or her booklet to check the progress of his or her internship!
Finally, the module allows with a simple click the generation of the internship booklet, previously digitally signed by tutor and site directors: the booklet will contain the details of all activities carried out by the students with the specific summary of hours completed and can be generated already translated!
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom (light) (Department of Economics and Management) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, UP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: GOMP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp Mothod of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyRegister Method of supply: in Hosting Integration with other software: OAuth2 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3 Client website::
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyRegister, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3, Software Laboratori Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-Gov, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasySyllabus, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-GOV, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Web Integrato, Shibboleth, app MyUnivr Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyAnalytics, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3, app LUISS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, personal data recovery, other University management systems Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: SpaceBooking MRBS, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyStudy Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (Facoltà di Informatica) Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: CAS, W4 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, CAS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Number of structures activated: University-wide purchase Client website: