Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
EasyTest is the module of the EasyAcademy suite created for the optimization and management of students and teachers’ exam schedules at university Departments / Schools.
EasyTest was created to help Academic administrative offices in the difficult task of combining the student’s exam schedule with the availability of teachers and classrooms at their Departments / Schools.
EasyTest makes possible to drastically reduce the time needed for creating an exams schedule, to better meet teachers’ requests and to lighten the students schedule of appeals; the software, moreover, is able to manage other specific aspects related, for example, to the creation of exam mergers for the same teacher or for a different professors, to assign an examination to several classrooms at the same time and to manage appeals for subjects no longer active, belonging to cancelled courses that, however, must be assigned a specific examination date.
EasyTest manages two ways of collecting teachers’ preferences for exam schedules.
The first mode provides for an exam sessions schedule prepared by the academic administrative office; for this option it is necessary to use the EasyTest automatic processor which considers and verify the exam schedule compliance with main regulations such as the minimum distance between two appeals, the minimum distance in days between one appeal and the other, the deadlines of the appeals allocation, any unavailability of the teaching staff, etc.
The second option, instead, provides for date bookings, and possibly also classroom bookings, done directly by teachers, through an online specific procedure; in this way the teacher will be able to view the dates already taken by colleagues and appropriately book his/her exam dates on the available days.
The economic savings in man/ minutes reported below were calculated thanks to the collaboration with some EasyStaff customers.
The examples below relate to a medium-sized Department / School with 150 teachers, 300 teachings and 900 exam tests.
EasyTest is integrated with:
EasyRoom is the module of the EasyAcademy suite that manages University classrooms and laboratories bookings.
Thanks to the system integration between the two modules it is possible, with a simple click, to export the appeals schedule to the planned exam with EasyTest within the EasyRoom’s planner; the exported bookings will be considered as “exam” events.
Web Planner for students and teachers
The students and teachers’ web planner is an EasyAcademy suite module that allows public consultation of information to be provided to students and teachers.
Thanks to the system integration between the two modules it is possible, with a simple click, to make public the schedules of the exams produced by EasyTest and therefore allow students and teachers to consult them.
EasyApp is a mobile application for students and teachers of the EasyAcademy suite.
Thanks to the integration between the two modules it is possible, with a simple click, to make public the exam schedules created by EasyTest and therefore allow students and teachers to consult them.
University Teaching Programming Software
EasyTest can be integrated with the Teaching Programming software used by Universities; thanks to this integration it is possible to automatically import into EasyTest, for each academic year, the range of educational options offered by the Departments/Schools and all the necessary information (courses, teacher coverage, degree courses and study plans) for preparing lesson schedules.
EasyTest is integrated with Cineca U-GOV, the teaching software most used by Italian universities, and with different custom systems created by the same universities.
Software for the registration and on-line verbalization of the exams
EasyTest can be integrated with the software that require students to enroll on-line on exams and which provide for the online verbalization by teachers once students have successfully passed an exam session; the integration provides for the possibility of importing the exam appeal schedules created by EasyTest into the registration and recording software to reduce data entry operations and eliminate manual errors.
EasyTest is integrated with Esse3 of Cineca, the software for the on-line exam registration and verbalization most used in Italian universities, and with different custom systems created by the same Universities.
Software for University’s unique authentication
EasyTest can be configured to allow access to the system using unique University credentials; EasyTest is compatible with the most common SSO protocols such as Shibboleth, CAS and LDAP.
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom (light) (Department of Economics and Management) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, UP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: GOMP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp Mothod of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyRegister Method of supply: in Hosting Integration with other software: OAuth2 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3 Client website::
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyRegister, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3, Software Laboratori Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-Gov, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasySyllabus, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-GOV, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Web Integrato, Shibboleth, app MyUnivr Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyAnalytics, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3, app LUISS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, personal data recovery, other University management systems Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: SpaceBooking MRBS, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyStudy Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (Facoltà di Informatica) Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: CAS, W4 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, CAS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Number of structures activated: University-wide purchase Client website: