Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
In the difficult context of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency, the EasyPlanning solution allowed the Town of Udine to quickly implement a booking system based on appointments for the use of counter services belonging to different areas (Taxes, Register Office and Civil Status, Libraries, Private Building, Sports Facilities). The ease of use of the web service was appreciated by citizens and professionals alike, as was the quality of the technical support offered by Easy Staff and the willingness to invest in improving the solution in order to meet the needs of the various offices involved in the project.
The adoption of the EasyPlanning suite has simplified the University’s resource reservation processes.
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom (light) (Department of Economics and Management) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, UP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: GOMP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp Mothod of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyRegister Method of supply: in Hosting Integration with other software: OAuth2 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3 Client website::
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyRegister, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3, Software Laboratori Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-Gov, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasySyllabus, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-GOV, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Web Integrato, Shibboleth, app MyUnivr Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyAnalytics, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3, app LUISS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, personal data recovery, other University management systems Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: SpaceBooking MRBS, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyStudy Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (Facoltà di Informatica) Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: CAS, W4 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, CAS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Number of structures activated: University-wide purchase Client website: