Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
The adoption of the EasyAcademy suite has made it possible to optimise teaching support processes; in particular, EasyCourse has made it possible to speed up the drafting of class schedules, to standardise and improve their publication, to optimise the use of resources and to minimise drafting errors; the EasyTest module has made it possible to obtain optimised exam schedules, minimising date overlaps and optimising classroom occupation; the EasyRoom module has made it possible to manage classroom bookings more efficiently; theEasyApp module has made it possible to inform our students in a more capillary and immediate manner.
What I would like to emphasise is the high quality of the software solution, but also the professionalism, willingness and immediacy of the EasyStaff technicians in dealing with the problems and customisations that were necessary to make the solution even more suited to our needs.
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom (light) (Department of Economics and Management) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, UP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: GOMP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp Mothod of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyRegister Method of supply: in Hosting Integration with other software: OAuth2 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3 Client website::
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyRegister, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3, Software Laboratori Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-Gov, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasySyllabus, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-GOV, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Web Integrato, Shibboleth, app MyUnivr Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyAnalytics, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3, app LUISS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, personal data recovery, other University management systems Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: SpaceBooking MRBS, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyStudy Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (Facoltà di Informatica) Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: CAS, W4 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, CAS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Number of structures activated: University-wide purchase Client website: