EasyStaff s.r.l., part of the Zucchetti Group, was founded in 2007 by a group of people with a shared passion and experience in the management of combinatorial problems in various business sectors.
The company’s success is determined, first and foremost, by the technical and engineering skills of the EasyStaff team, backed up by the constant collaboration with university lecturers and researchers who have been involved for many years in operational research issues, particularly those concerning the allocation of human resources and the creation of work schedules.

What our clients say about us
EasyStaff algorithmic engines are integrated in the ZScheduling module of Zucchetti and, thanks to their versatility, they help us in the automatic management of shifts in those realities where the coverage of the demand curve is fundamental.
In the difficult context of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency, the EasyPlanning solution allowed the Town of Udine to quickly implement a booking system based on appointments for the use of counter services belonging to different areas (Taxes, Register Office and Civil Status, Libraries, Private Building, Sports Facilities). The ease of use of the web service was appreciated by citizens and professionals alike, as was the quality of the technical support offered by Easy Staff and the willingness to invest in improving the solution in order to meet the needs of the various offices involved in the project.
The adoption of the EasyPlanning suite has simplified the University’s resource reservation processes.
The adoption of the EasyAcademy suite has made it possible to optimise teaching support processes; in particular, EasyCourse has made it possible to speed up the drafting of class schedules, to standardise and improve their publication, to optimise the use of resources and to minimise drafting errors; the EasyTest module has made it possible to obtain optimised exam schedules, minimising date overlaps and optimising classroom occupation; the EasyRoom module has made it possible to manage classroom bookings more efficiently; theEasyApp module has made it possible to inform our students in a more capillary and immediate manner.
What I would like to emphasise is the high quality of the software solution, but also the professionalism, willingness and immediacy of the EasyStaff technicians in dealing with the problems and customisations that were necessary to make the solution even more suited to our needs.